Support Fortune Credit in issuing and distributing microfinance loans for the purchase of environmentally friendly technologies, saving 6,920 tons of CO2 annually and creating 6,000 new jobs.


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Video from April 2024. For subtitles, please press the CC button at the bottom right of the screen.

UN Development Goals (SDGs)

The investment at a glance

Project intention

The Kenyan company Fortune Credit Limited (Fortune Credit) is a microfinance institution. The company provides integrative financial services that positively transform the lives of local people and increase the resilience and sustainability of the target population. An important branch of the company is green integrative finance, which is achieved through product innovation, partnerships and capacity building, e.g. in the form of loans for renewable energy. With the loan, Fortune Credit aims to finance the granting and distribution of microfinance loans for the acquisition of environmentally friendly technologies. The technologies include for example e-bikes, solar home systems, biogas plants and efficient cooking stoves for private households and small businesses. The loan will also be used for the marketing of microfinance loans, for personnel and for legal services. Added to this are management support functions such as costs for training, IT, auditing, accounting and communication as well as the rent over 5 years for additional space in the office building already rented.

Environmental & social impact

The granting and distribution of green microfinance loans supports technologies that protect the environment. Investments in climate-friendly technologies, for example, lead to the conversion of households and businesses to clean energy, thereby reducing deforestation, CO2 emissions and health risks. The switch to e-bikes also creates around 6000 new jobs in various sectors in the region and improves the health of local people, reduces traffic congestion and promotes inclusion.

Climate protection

The implementation of the overall project is expected to save 13,420 tons of CO2 in the first year and 6,920 tons of CO2 annually thereafter.


All investors who invest up to and including xx.xx.2024 will receive an Early-Bird-Bonus of 0.8% p.a. The total interest rate therefore increases to 8.80% p.a.

Established, sustainable company

Fortune Credit Limited is a Kenyan company based in the capital Nairobi. The company was founded in 2014 to promote the economic development of the rural population in Kenya through appropriate savings, credit and insurance services. Fortune Credit's goal is to improve the living conditions of low-income households by building sustainable business models. The company's mission is to provide solutions to accelerate access to innovative financial products and services that have an economic and socio-economic impact. In 2017, Fortune Credit launched the “Green Energy Loan” and has since been providing loans for renewable energy, such as energy-efficient cookstoves, solar lighting solutions or electric motorcycles. The goal is to distribute over 15,000 clean energy products by 2027, benefiting over 50,000 people.

Risk reduction measures

In order to be able to incorporate risk-mitigating measures despite the subordinated loan, a special purpose vehicle called Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt), based in Germany, was established to act as the borrower for this project. It forwards the collected capital as a secured loan to the project owner in Kenya, Fortune Credit Limited (Fortune Credit). The shareholders and managing directors of Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) are independent of Fortune Credit.

Personal guarantee of the shareholders: In the event of a payment default, the shareholders are liable for the repayment of the loans with a personal guarantee.

Liquidity buffer of 1%: In addition, Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) will be provided with a liquidity buffer of 1% of the issue volume raised (which will also be collected via crowdfunding) in order to be able to intervene or even take legal action in the event of any repayment problems on the part of the local project owner.

Currency hedging for the KES/EUR loan: Currency hedging in the form of insurance is intended to offset the risk of exchange rate fluctuations.

Further information on the risk reduction measures is available further down on this page.

Project description

In recent years, both local and international crises as well as the consequences of the climate crisis have worsened the situation of economically disadvantaged people in countries of the Global South. People in rural areas in particular are at risk of poverty and hunger due to the effects of the climate crisis, economic shocks and rising fertilizer prices. The use of integrative financial services can make a significant contribution to global food security, because when people have access to the financial sector, they can plan better, build up reserves and invest money. This usually also leads to improved access to sufficient nutrition and high-quality food.*
The microfinance institution Fortune Credit Limited has set itself the goal of promoting the economic development of the rural population in Kenya through suitable savings, credit and insurance services. The company provides integrative financial services that positively transform the lives of local people and increase the resilience and sustainability of the target population. An important branch of the company is green integrative finance, which is achieved through product innovation, partnerships and capacity building, e.g. in the form of loans for renewable energy.

With the loan, Fortune Credit aims to finance the origination and distribution of microfinance loans for the acquisition of environmentally friendly technologies. The technologies include e-bikes, solar home systems, biogas plants and efficient cooking stoves for private households and small businesses. The loan will also be used for the marketing of microfinance loans, for personnel and for legal services. Added to this are management support functions such as costs for training, IT, auditing, accounting and communication as well as the rent over 5 years for additional space in the office building already rented.


Fortune Credit’s business model actively contributes to 2 of the UN’s sustainable development goals by supporting climate-friendly technologies through the provision of green financial loans:
Providing microfinance loans for the purchase of environmentally friendly technologies, such as e-bikes and sustainable cookstoves, causes households, institutions and businesses to switch to clean energy and adopt low-carbon production (Goal 7.2).
In addition, restoring degraded land and water towers through reforestation and conservation and equipping 1000 smallholder farmers with solar-powered irrigation pumps will increase the efficiency of water use (Goal 6.4) and protect water-linked ecosystems (Goal 6.6).

The investments in the areas of electromobility, clean cooking and solar-powered irrigation are crucial for reducing CO2 emissions. In total, the project is expected to save 13,420 tons of CO2 in the first year and 6,920 tons of CO2 annually thereafter.

Electric mobility: Through partnerships with leading companies such as eWAKA and eBee Africa, Fortune Credit is switching to electric bicycles and motorcycles and aims to supply 1000 riders by the end of 2024. This switch is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 2.92 tons per bike per year, which equates to a total reduction of 2,920 tons.

Solutions for clean cooking: Fortune Credit is enabling 2000 small businesses and households to adopt clean cookstoves by the end of 2024, each reducing CO2 emissions by 2 tons per year, for a total annual reduction of 4,000 tons.
Solar-powered irrigation: By equipping 1000 smallholder farmers with solar-powered irrigation pumps, Fortune Credit expects to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 6.5 tons per pump, resulting in a reduction of approximately 6,500 tons of CO2 emissions.

The investment risks associated with the subordinated loan are described in detail in the risk information. With regard to the assessment and limitation of risks for investors, the issuer draws attention to the following special features in the design of the project:

a) Use of a special purpose vehicle:

For the crowdfunding campaign on bettervest, a special purpose vehicle called Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) based in Germany was established to act as the borrower in this project. It forwards the collected capital as a secured loan to the project owner in Kenya, Fortune Credit Limited (Fortune Credit). The shareholders and managing directors of Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) are independent of Fortune Credit.

b) Personal guarantee of the shareholders

In the event of a payment default, the shareholders are liable for the repayment of the loans with a personal guarantee.

c) Liquidity buffer of 1%

In addition, Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) will be provided with a liquidity buffer of 1% of the issue volume raised (which will also be collected via crowdfunding) in order to be able to intervene or even take legal action in the event of any repayment problems on the part of the local project owner.

d) Currency hedging for the KES/EUR loan:

Currency hedging in the form of insurance is intended to offset the risk of unwanted exchange rate fluctuations. Over the last five years, the exchange rate for the euro in Kenya has risen by around 20%, which means that it is now more expensive to buy euros. As the loan is granted in EUR and repayments are to be made in EUR and the project owner’s business activities are conducted in KES, there is a risk that insufficient cash flows will be available to repay the loan due to unfavorable exchange rate fluctuations. If the KES/EUR exchange rate continues to fall, it will cost the project owner more KES to buy the EUR required for repayment. To mitigate this risk, the project owner will hedge the EUR loan through currency hedging (FX hedging).

This financing plan contains the total projected cash flows for Fortune Credit Limited, which cover the receipt, initial utilization and repayment of the loans.

Investment requirement

The costs for Fortune Credit’s overall project amount to EUR 2,199,250 including bettervest fees. This will finance the granting and distribution of microfinance loans for the purchase of environmentally friendly technologies. The technologies include e-bikes, solar home systems, biogas plants and efficient cooking stoves for private households and small businesses. The loan will also be used for the marketing of microfinance loans, for personnel and for legal services. Added to this are management support functions such as costs for training, IT, auditing, accounting and communication as well as the rent over 5 years for a further 600-800 m2 in the office building already rented.

EUR 2,006,815.63 (including fees) is to be collected via crowdfunding. As the net proceeds raised through the crowdfunding project are not sufficient to implement the project alone, the remaining amount will be financed by the project owner’s own funds.
The term of the loan is 5 years and has an annual interest rate of 8.00% p.a. for the crowd investors. Investors who invest in the project within the first two weeks also receive an early bird bonus of 0.8% p.a. (i.e. a total of 8.80% p.a.). The funding threshold for this project is 50,000 euros. If the funding target is not reached, but at least the funding threshold is met, the project owner will still invest the investor funds to a lesser extent in the above-mentioned investment objects.


The loan is repaid from liquid funds that Fortune Credit generates as income from the granting of microfinance loans (interest, fees, commissions) as part of its business activities.

As the CEO and founder of Fortune Credit, I am deeply grateful for your commitment to fostering sustainable change through impact investing. Your support enables us to drive significant environmental and social improvements across Africa, in line with Kenya's ambitious climate goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 32% by 2030.
Our collaboration with Bettervest is more than a business venture; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. By expanding the reach of Fortune Credit’s e-bikes, we are not just promoting green transport; we are investing in healthier communities and a resilient economy. Each shilling invested in Fortune Credit leads to a measurable reduction of approximately 0.044 kg of CO2 emissions annually.
Thank you for your continued support and belief in our vision. Together, we are setting the wheels in motion towards a greener, more inclusive world.

Janet Kuteli
CEO and founder of Fortune Credit Limited

The borrower and country profile

 Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungs-beschränkt)
Falkstraße 5
60487 Frankfurt am Main

Fortune Credit Limited
Enwealth Business Centre
Ngong Lane Nairobi, Kenya

+254 0114943649

BETTERVEST INVESTMENT LTD (limited liability): Issuer and borrower

The special purpose vehicle Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is based in Germany and acts as borrower in this project. The task of this special purpose vehicle is to forward the money collected from the crowd investors as a project loan to the local project owner, Fortune Credit Limited (Fortune Credit). The shareholders and managing directors of Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) are independent of the project owner Fortune Credit.

Fortune Credit Limited: Project owner

Fortune Credit Limited is a Kenyan company based in the capital Nairobi. The company was founded in 2014 to promote the economic development of the rural population in Kenya through appropriate savings, credit and insurance services. Fortune Credit’s goal is to improve the living conditions of low-income households by building sustainable business models. The company’s mission is to provide solutions to accelerate access to innovative financial products and services that have an economic and socio-economic impact. In 2017, Fortune Credit launched the “Green Energy Loan” and has since been providing loans for renewable energy, such as energy-efficient cookstoves, solar lighting solutions or electric motorcycles. In addition to the branch in Nairobi, the company has two further branches in Transnzoia, another in Bungoma and, since 2020, a fourth branch in Rongai. The goal by 2027 is to distribute over 15,000 clean energy products that will benefit over 50,000 people,

When making investment decisions, it is advisable to find out in advance about the project location, in particular the country in which the project will be implemented. To gain an overview, the following indicators provide a helpful starting point for independent research. The information was retrieved from the relevant data sources in April 2023 and is published without guarantee.

Euler Hermes Ranking Euler Hermes hat das Risiko der Nicht-Zahlung von kenianischen Unternehmen mit “sensitive risk” bewertet und auf einer Skala von AA bis D mit C gerated (Quellen: Euler Hermes Country Risk Map)
OECD Klassifizierung Die OECD klassifiziert das allgemeine Länderrisiko Kenias auf einer Skala von 0 (geringes Risiko) bis 7 (hohes Risiko) mit 7 (Quellen: OECD Country Risk Classification und OECD Ranking 2023).
Korruptionsindex (Transparency International) Der Korruptionsindex, der von Transparency International veröffentlicht wird und auf einer Basis von 0 (hohes Maß an Korruption) – 100 (keine wahrgenommene Korruption) bemessen wird, liegt in Kenia bei 32 (Quelle: Transparency International 2022).
Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate Die Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate zeigt auf, welchen Durchschnitt an annualisierten Zinsraten lokale Geschäftsbanken ihren kreditwürdigsten Kunden für neue Kredite in der Landeswährung berechnen. Bei Kenia lag die Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate im Februar 2023 bei 13,06% (Quelle: Trading Economics 2023).
Kreditwürdigkeit (Moody’s) Moody’s hat die Kreditwürdigkeit von kenianischen Staatsanleihen auf einer Skala von AAA bis D mit B2 bewertet und somit als spekulativ eingestuft (Quelle: Trading Economics 2023)
Devisenmarkt (Bundesbank) In den letzten fünf Jahren ist der Devisenpreis für den Euro in Kenia gestiegen, vor fünf Jahren lag der Preis bei 124,74 Kenia-Shilling, vor einem Jahr bei 127,80 und heute liegt der Preis bei 144,37 Kenia-Shilling (Quelle: Bundesbank 2023).

The e-bike project in detail

The loan directly supports Fortune Credit’s mission to expand the use of e-bikes, resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions:

Impact of a single bike: Each eWAKA e-bike used for an average daily commute of 80 km is estimated to save 2.92 tons of CO2 per year. This results in cleaner air and a smaller ecological footprint for e-bike users.

Impact at project level: With the ambitious goal of using 1,000 e-bikes by 2024 thanks to the bettervest loan, Fortune Credit expects a total CO2 reduction of 2,920 tons per year. This reduction corresponds to the elimination of thousands of gas-powered vehicles on the road and makes an important contribution to a more environmentally friendly future.

Current achievements: The current partner fleet of 600 e-bikes is already having a positive impact with an estimated annual CO2 reduction of 2,400 tons.

The bettervest loan project goes beyond environmental benefits and promotes positive social change in several ways:

Job creation: Each e-bike used creates an average of 3 new jobs in various sectors. The bettervest loan project, with the aim of buying 2,000 bikes, has the potential to create around 6,000 new jobs. This not only empowers each individual, but also boosts the local economy. These jobs cover various areas, including the manufacture of e-bikes (assembly and component production), sales (retail, rental and subscriptions), maintenance and repair services as well as logistics and delivery services. In addition, the project promotes the development of new business models such as e-bike sharing, fleet management, subscription-based battery services and a robust exchange network. These innovative approaches have the potential to create even more decent jobs.

Promoting health and well-being: The increasing use of e-bikes encourages physical activity, even with the electric assistance. This can lead to better health outcomes for communities. Cycling offers numerous health benefits, including better cardiovascular health, weight management and stress reduction.

Reducing traffic congestion: By providing a convenient and efficient transportation option, Fortune Credit-funded e-bikes help reduce traffic congestion in urban areas. This not only shortens commuting times, but also reduces air pollution caused by idling vehicles.

Improved accessibility and inclusion: The bikes make cycling accessible to a wider section of the population, including older people and those who find conventional bikes too strenuous. This promotes social inclusion and allows more people to experience the joy and benefits of cycling.

Key figures

Borrower Afrika Emissions 7 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Type of investment Subordinated loan
Loan amount EUR 2,199,250
Term 5 years
Interest 8,0 % p.a. (8,8% p.a. for investments within the first 2 weeks)
Repayment of Loan and Interest annuity
