Your money can
change the world.
Invest now in impactful projects that benefit people and the planet.
6,9% historical average as per September 2024
invest sustainably
from 50 euros
since 2012
Your money can
change the world.
7% return
on average
from 50 euro
invest sustainably
Current projects
Each of our projects is put through its paces using clear and transparent criteria. Only if all aspects regarding impact, technical feasibility, economic viability and risk mitigation measures are positively evaluated by us, do we include the project in our portfolio.
bettervest is a crowdfunding platform that was founded back in 2012 to finance citizen-owned energy efficiency projects. This makes us pioneers in impact investing and not newcomers jumping on the sustainability hype. Together, we have financed over 100 sustainable projects from 20 countries around the world and from all sectors. Impact is not a new business model for us – it has always been our calling.
>1,56 Mio. tons CO2 saved
23.8 Mio. € funding-
1.56 tons of CO2 saved
23.8 Million € funding-

Exceptionally sustainable!
The German Sustainability Award honours role models for sustainable change in Germany for the 16th time in 2023. We have won the 16th German Sustainability Award in the financial services and stock exchange sector!
We are very proud to lead the sustainable transformation in our industry. A big thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey! Together, we are shaping a more climate-friendly and social economy and society in the long term.
Your Money.
Your Impact.
Your money can make a big difference. Even with relatively small sums. Every time you invest in one of our sustainable projects, you have a positive impact on numerous aspects. And without having to forego a lucrative return. Quite the opposite.
Become an impact investor now with the pioneers of crowdfunding for sustainable projects that benefit the environment, society and your own assets.
bettervest report: On 13 December 2022, the report “Money isn’t everything – Investing in good causes – film by Alexandra Hostert and Norman Laryea” was broadcast on ZDF as part of plan b. In this report, bettervest and our Project Owner BURN Manufacturing are presented, among others. On 14 December 2021, the report was already shown on ARTE as part of ARTE:Re “Money isn’t everything – Investing with double returns”. Watch the report here.
Already achieved a tremendous amount.
And we still have much more to do.
We finance sustainable and future-oriented projects worldwide, but with a focus on Africa and Germany – whether biological wastewater treatment in Kenya, solar mini-grids in India or energy-efficient building refurbishments in Germany. We have been able to raise a significant amount of money for good impactful projects and have already paid back the investors. Each of our projects creates win-win-win situations for the environment, the local people and yourself.
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Mehr erfahren

- Die bettervest GmbH ist ein vertraglich gebundener Vermittler im Sinne des § 3 Abs. 2 Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) und wird bei der Vermittlung von Finanzinstrumenten (Wertpapieren, Vermögens- und Kapitalanlagen etc.) ausschließlich auf Rechnung und unter der Haftung des Wertpapierinstituts Effecta GmbH, Florstadt, tätig.
- Warnhinweis: Der Erwerb dieser Vermögensanlage ist mit erheblichen Risiken verbunden und kann zum vollständigen Verlust des eingesetzten Vermögens führen.