Are you our
next impact partner?
Take out a loan through bettervest now and get started together with us.

A loan tailored to your needs: we work closely with you to design the optimal financing solution for you. Benefit from our 12 years of expertise in the fields of energy, impact, structuring and finance.

Lengthy application processes and endless forms to receive an offer? With bettervest, you will receive an initial offer and acceptance or rejection in the shortest possible time. Finance with bettervest and don’t waste precious time in reaching your business goals.

A public funding is much more than just a financing. Address new customers in a public-effective way. Position yourself as a sustainable company and stand out from the competition in the market.
The added value for the planet and our community stands above everything for us. That’s why we require projects to meet certain criteria. Check your project against our list to see if collaboration is possible.
Projekt Checkliste (DEU)
- Darlehensvolumen von mindestens 300.000 €
- Das Projekt reduziert klimaschädliche Emissionen oder den Verbrauch natürlicher Ressourcen und es trägt damit mindestens zum SDG 2 (Energie, Klima, Wasser) oder SDG 15 (saubere Energie) bei.
- Das Projekt hat eine Amortisationszeit zwischen 1 und 8 Jahren.
- Das Unternehmen hat mindestens 3 Angestellte. Diese müssen nicht fest angestellt, aber bestenfalls Aktionäre sein.
- Das Unternehmen besteht seit 3 Jahren, kann mindestens 1 Jahr Erfahrung aufweisen und verfügt über erste Referenzen.
- Das Unternehmen ist bereit, mindestens 10 Prozent des benötigten Finanzierungsvolumens durch Eigenkapital bereitzustellen.
- Das Unternehmen muss den Investoren Sicherheiten bieten können wie zum Beispiel die zu finanzierende Ware und/oder Garantien.
Project Checklist (ENG)
- Loan volume of at least €300,000
- The project reduces climate-damaging emissions or the consumption of natural resources and it thus contributes at least to SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) or SDG 13 (climate action).
- The project has a payback period of 1 to 8 years.
- The company has at least 3 employees. These do not have to be permanent employees, but at best shareholders.
- The company has been in business for 3 years, has at least 1 year of experience and has first references.
- The company is willing to provide at least 10 percent of the required financing volume through equity.
- The company must be able to offer investors collateral such as the goods to be financed and/or guarantees.
project proposal
You would like to learn more in a non-binding consultation? Then contact us via or the form down below and we will get back to you promptly.
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